Monday, March 1, 2010

Simply Geography

Hello world.

It has been awhile since I started a blog but here I am in Blog-world, having to do this for my Geography project.

Not complaining at all but it occurs to me how quick technology has developed and has integrated into our lives. Computers and the internet are no longer a luxury (as was before during my days in secondary school) but seem to be a necessity.

Now, this blog, being solely for my Geog project (as mentioned above) will not be your typical read. So if you're expecting to be humoured or have an insight into my life (which I like to think is lovely and interesting), be prepared to be disappointed. Do not continue reading or I might bore you to death.

Then again, if Geography is your purpose in life, I do hope you will find this interesting. And that is my purpose, otherwise I should find myself failing miserably for my project. Hopefully not.

Cheers all...On to serious stuff now!

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